What is a MUSHROOM?

Mushrooms are multicellular fungi and they blogs to the group of fungi called as BASIDIOMYCETES”.  
mushroomHABITAT -   Living Place
They prefer hot and humid climate and spread underground in the soil that contains dead organic matter. They commonly appear on the waste product and also on the dumps of debris during rainy season   


They are umbrella like.Their body consists of mycelium, stalk, gills bearing pores and cap.
Size:They are 3 to 4 inches in size.  

Fruit Body:Fruit body consists of the stalk,a cap shape pileus,many gills plates and many hyphae of mycelium. 

agaricus, toad stoolNUTRITION:They are seprophytes, as they obtain their food from decomposed dead bodies of other organisms.
Some of the mushrooms like AGARICUS can be used as food. Some mushrooms called TOAD-STOOL is poisonous and not eatable, if eaten a person may die.