• Cholera is a very infectious disease, generally erupt in epidemic form, during rainy seasons or after floods in any region and water food stuffs become contaminated.
  • The bacterium VIBRIO COMMA enters through digestive tract and causes this disease.


  • Vomiting.
  • Severe diarrhea.
  • Severe dehydration.
  • Loss of minerals.
  • Increased acidity in the patient blood.


  • Faeces of infected person.
  • Contaminated water and food.


  • Cholera’s bacteria are passed out of the body of an infected person through their faeces.
  • If the faeces contaminate that water, which is used for drinking, washing food etc, then the BACTERIUM can get in to another person’s body and cause cholera.
  • The pathogenic bacteria produce a toxin, which affects the digestive system and cause severe diarrhea, which may leads to death.


  • The severity of the disease can be controlled with the intake plenty of water with ORS salt, which speeds up the rate of water absorption in intestine.
  • Active immunization of population by the cholera vaccine.
  • Faeces of the patient should be disposed off properly.
                      cholera bacteria - Vibrio comma